Eight 1337 Commandments of Pwnology:



  1. Thou shalt not teamkill
  2. Thou shalt not use h4x nor any other malevolent methods of cheating, including scamming
  3. Thou shalt strive to reach thy pinnacle of 1337ness; that quest of which is paramount
  4. Thou shalt be merciless with the n00b, who deserves swift and painful judgment on their sins
  5. Thou shalt guide the newb, and thy bretheren in their quest of 1337ness, shall they need it
  6. Thou shalt have exemplitory manner, in all facets of life and pwnage
  7. Thou shalt not hoard loot, money, experience, or other usefull commodity if thy team needs it more
  8. Thou shalt not spam chat, be it text or voice, with your frustrations


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